Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe


泗水工業區Gresik JIIPE Tuai噴灑消毒劑當地居民稱讚

泗水工業區Gresik JIIPE Tuai噴灑消毒劑當地居民稱讚
Surabaya Gresik工業區JIIPE的活動不可避免地引起了當地居民的積極響應,其中之一是RW 12 Sukomulyo Village的董事長透露。據他介紹,居民迫切需要泗水Gresik JIIPE工業園區採取的措施,以防止和消除附近的Covid-19。
他還對泗水Gresik JIIPE工業園區免費提供這些設施表示感謝。泗水Gresik工業區JIIPE本身是東爪哇省最大的工業區,也是印度尼西亞第一個綜合工業區,配備了遊輪港口和碼頭,以及環保獨立的城市概念,即GEM City,具有各種專有設施,例如高爾夫球場和購物中心。

Achieving Success in the First Phase of Hailiang Indonesia Project Production Trial

Gresik Special Economic Zone, JIIPE, is home to PT Hailiang Nova Materials Indonesia, which has been developing Hailiang C...

​National Occupational and Health Month 2024, Be Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability

Occupational Safety and Health, also known as K3, is an effort to create a healthy and safe working environment, the Natio...

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