Java Integrated Industrial and Ports Estate

Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, Gresik, East-Java - Indonesia

kawasan industri gresik jiipe



凭借其所有优势,不足为奇的是,东爪哇省的JIIPE工业区越来越受到投资者和领先公司的关注,其中包括PT科莱恩印度尼西亚,PT Adhimix PCI印度尼西亚和PT日本立Indosari Corporindo Tbk。
在这种情况下,PT Adhimix PCI Indonesia作为领先的预制混凝土公司,阐明了加入JIIPE东爪哇工业区的主要原因。这是因为JIIPE东爪哇工业区是一个工业区,因为前往泗水-格列斯克收费公路和与工业区集成在一起的港口很方便,极大地方便了人们的出行。

Achieving Success in the First Phase of Hailiang Indonesia Project Production Trial

Gresik Special Economic Zone, JIIPE, is home to PT Hailiang Nova Materials Indonesia, which has been developing Hailiang C...

​National Occupational and Health Month 2024, Be Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability

Occupational Safety and Health, also known as K3, is an effort to create a healthy and safe working environment, the Natio...

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